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What is BeS-dev-kit?

A toolkit project for the Be-Secure community contributors which reduces manual efforts of Be-Secure contributors by automating multiple manual functionalities.

Who are the end users?

  • BeSLab Admin/Manager
  • Security Specialist

How can BeS-dev-kit utility help?

  • Generate Metadata​: It helps admins, managers and security specialists to add & update an OSS project in community website.​

  • Generate Reports​: It helps security specialists to generate assessment reports for OSS projects. ​

  • Generate risk summary​: It helps admins and managers to generate consolidated assessment report in pdf format.​

  • Validate version file​: It helps admins to check version details file naming convention & version tag in GitHub pull request.​

  • Validate report files​: It helps admins to check report files naming convention in GitHub pull request.​

Installing BeS-dev-kit


  • Python 3.10​
  • pip​
  • GitHub personal access token


  1. Open your terminal

  2. Install BeS-dev-kit using below command

    python3 -m pip install besecure-developer-toolkit​

  3. Confirm the installation BeS-dev-kit by executing the below command which would list various dev-kit commands

    bes-dev-kit --help

Build from source



  1. Open your terminal
  2. Clone the BeS-dev-kit - $ git clone
  3. Move into the cloned directory.
  4. Run the command - $ poetry add "typer[all]"
  5. Create a new virtual env using Poetry - $ poetry shell
  6. Run the command to install the tool- $ poetry install
  7. Check installation - $ bes-dev-kit --help


Generate Metadata

bes-dev-kit generate-metadata​

This command used to generate json object & version details file of an open-source project that is listed in Be-Secure issues. And it also add the json object & version file in OSSP-Master.json & version_file in besecure-osspoi-datastore respectively.​

Generate Reports​

bes-dev-kit generate-report​

This command can generate the following reports- Scorecard, Criticality_score, codeql. After generating these reports, it can add the report files in besecure-assessment-datastore.​

Generate risk summary​

bes-dev-kit risk-summary​

This command takes the necessary data from report files & downloads consolidated assessment summary in pdf format.​

Validate report files​

bes-dev-kit validate-report-file​

It helps maintainer to validates the naming convention of report files / if report files are available.​

Validate version details file​

bes-dev-kit validate-version-file​

It helps maintainer to validates naming convention & version tag of version file in besecure-osspoi-datastore.​

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