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What is BeSman?

BeSman is a command-line utility to provision customized environments for each open source projects.


We have two types of BeSman environments – Red Team(RT) and Blue Team(BT).

Red Team(RT) environments

The RT environments are bundled with all the tools necessary for a Red Team user to assess the project for vulnerabilities and start working on an exploit.

Blue Team(BT) environments

The BT environmnets are bundled with all the tools necessary for a Blue Team user to remediate the vulnerability exploited by Red Team user.


Be-Secure playbooks are created to run exploits as well as automate activities like security assessments.

There are three types of playbook - Automated, Semi-automated and Manual

Automated playbooks

The playbooks are either shell scripts or ansible playbooks and the operations are automated.

Semi-automated playbooks

The playbooks will be jupyter notebooks.

Manual playbooks

The playbooks are .md file and would contain step-by-step info on how to proceed with an activity.

Why do we need BeSman utility?

People invest significant time and energy in the setup and configuration of open source projects on their local systems for evaluation or to begin working on them. However, they often encounter difficulties and setbacks related to configuration, requiring additional effort to resolve these issues. This substantial effort is primarily focused on getting the environment ready, rather than actually leveraging the existing open source project to develop new capabilities. It is important to find more efficient ways to manage this investment of effort. This is where the BeSman utility comes in, offering command-line functionality to swiftly and consistently provision tailored environments.

How can BeSman utility help?

BeSman environments are pre-bundled with tools and dependencies for a specific open project and it can be provisioned using simple bash shell commands from BeSman utility. BeSman utility will also provide configurable capabilities that would permit the user to configure the tools and dependencies to be pre-bundled in the environment. Individuals will have complete control over what goes into building and provisioning the environment. The base BeSman environment can be customized further to address specific project needs. This gives a lot of flexibility to the developer/security tester to optimize their work environment in a seamless manner. BeSman environments come pre-packaged with all the necessary tools and dependencies for a particular open source project. These environments can be easily provisioned using simple bash shell commands through the BeSman utility. Additionally, the BeSman utility offers configurable capabilities, allowing users to customize the selection of tools and dependencies included in the environment. This gives individuals complete control over the setup and provisioning process, enabling them to tailor the environment to their specific needs. Moreover, the base BeSman environment is highly adaptable and can be further customized to meet the unique requirements of a particular project. This level of flexibility empowers developers and security testers to effortlessly optimize their work environment according to their preferences.

Installing BeSman using oah-shell

We will be using oah-installer, a component of OpenAppHack(OAH), to install oah-shell in the local system and using it to bring up oah-bes-vm with BeSman installed.


  • Virtual Box

  • Vagrant

  • Ansible


  1. Open your terminal

  2. Install oah-shell

    curl -L | bash

  3. Confirm the installation oah-shell by executing the below command which would list various oah commands


  4. Execute the below command to get the list of environments

    oah list

    Note: Make sure oah-bes-vm is listed. If not, execute step 2 and run the below command

    source ${OAH_DIR}/bin/oah-init

  5. Setup oah-bes-vm for BeSman by executing the below command.

    oah install -v oah-bes-vm

Install from source



  1. Open your terminal
  2. Run the installer script

    curl -L | bash
  3. Source the files into memory

    source $HOME/.besman/bin/
  4. Confirm installation



Create an environment script

Dependent on ansible roles

Clone the repo before running the command.

bes create -env <environment> -V <version>

Once you run the command, you will be prompted to provide the path to the cloned dir.

This command would create an environment script which piggybacks on Ansible roles as well as a configuration file. Both the files will be present in your besecure-ce-env-repo dir.

The template of the config file is given below. You can use this to modify the parameters of the environment script as well as ansible roles

BESMAN_ANSIBLE_ROLES: # Comma separated list of ansible roles <namespace>/<repo>,<namespace>/<repo> 
BESMAN_OSS_TRIGGER_PLAYBOOK: besman-$BESMAN_OSSP-[BT/RT]-trigger-playbook.yaml
# Please add other variables as well as ansible variables here`
openjdk_version: 1.8

If you wish to modify the parameters of the config file,

  1. Visit the env repo
  2. Move into the dir of the project you wish to install
  3. Copy the config file
  4. Paste it in you user home under the same name.
  5. Modify the parameters
  6. Run the install


  • Control - Easier control over the tools which gets installed.
  • Configurability - Easier to configure the tool parameters.

Standalone environment script

If you wish to create a standalone environment script which doesn't rely on Ansible roles, run the below command.

bes create -env <environment> -V <version> basic


  • Light weight - Light weight script as it doesn't rely on ansible or roles.

List the available environments

At any time, besman can install environments from a single source -

  1. A remote environment repo

    bes set BESMAN_LOCAL_ENV False
    bes set BESMAN_ENV_REPOS <namespace>/<repo>
    bes list

    The output will mention which repo BeSman points to now.

  2. Local environment dir

    bes set BESMAN_LOCAL_ENV False
    bes set BESMAN_LOCAL_ENV_DIR <complete path to you besecure-ce-env-repo dir>
    bes list

    The output will mention the dir BeSman points to now.

    When you run the create command, the list command will be automatically updated to point to the local env dir.

Install an environment

You can install and environment by running the below command. Make sure the environment is listed when running the bes list command.

bes install -env <environment name> -V <version>

The default configuration file for the environment will be residing next to the environment script inside the remote repo or the local directory.

If you wish to override any default values have a copy of the configuration file in your user home dir and make the changes.

Uninstall an environment

Run the below command to uninstall an environment. This would remove the tools installed using installation.

bes uninstall -env <environment name>

Validate the installation

Validate the installation/uninstalltion by running,

bes validate -env <environment name>

Update configurations

Run the below command to update the configurations in an environment

bes update -env <environment name>

Reset configurations

Run the below command to reset the configurations to default.

bes reset -env <environment name>

Install an environment from a different repo

  1. Make sure you fork or have a repo with the format similar to Be-Secure environment repo.
  2. Update the list.txt file in the repo to reflect the GitHub org and Repo name.
  3. Run the bes set command to make BeSman point to a different repo.

    bes set BESMAN_LOCAL_ENV False
    bes set BESMAN_ENV_REPOS <namespace>/<repo>
  4. Run the list command

    bes list


Displays the list of installed environments

    bes status

Run playbooks

  1. Fetch playbooks

    bes pull --playbook
  2. Confirm the availability

    bes list --playbook
  3. Run the playbook

    bes run --playbook <playbook name>
    bes run --playbook <playbook name> --input <inputs>
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